Periodontal disease or ‘paradonthosis’ is a disease that is often overlooked and is a threat to the body

Bleeding gums are often the only longlasting sign that alerts us about an ongoing infection in the oral cavity or the presence of periodontal disease. Because untreated periodontal disease has consequences for the entire body, the first diagnosis is very important.

4 alerting signs that can be symptoms of periodontal disease:

  • Redness and thickened gums which can be the consequences of gum inflammation.
  • Bleeding gums.If your gums bleed when lightly touched, there is a big chance that you have periodontal disease.
  • Bad breath. Bad breath is also a frequent sign of periodontal disease, because it appears as a consequence of inflammation in the oral caity.
  • Tooth mobility. If your tooth is wiggling, this could be a consequence of unstable supporting tissues that were weakened by periodontal disease.

Have you noticed any of the signs mentioned above? Sign up for a check-up.


Periodontal disease can be treated without a scalpel and sutures

The treatment of periodontal disease always begins with the classical cleaning of calculus (tartar) which is performed by the oral hygienist in our practice..

In the advanced form of periodontal disease complete elimination of calculus on parts of the roots that are hard to approach is sometimes not possible with classical methods. The disease persists around teeth like this. For parts that are hard to approach and highly infected a laser procedure is needed. In this case our oral hygienist refers you to the dentist Melita Franko, dr. dent. med., who uses a combination of two lasers (Nd:YAG in Er:YAG).

Calculus (tartar) (zobni kamen) above and under the gum Ultrasonic calculus cleaning Oral hygienist
Calculus under the gum, on the root surfaces Hand scaling and planing the roots with instruments designed for individual teeth Oral hygienist
Advanced periodontal disease- periodontal pockets (4 mm to 5 mm deep), that couldn’t be eliminated by previous visits to the oral hygienist Laser treatment in which we use the soft tissue laser (Nd:YAG)  and the soft and hard tissue laser (Er:YAG) Dentist
Severely advanced periodontal disease- periodontal pockets (more than 6 mm deep) Periodontal surgery Dentist

Three steps to healthy gums with patients with advanced paradonthosis

zdrave_dlesni_3_koraki_web11. step
With the help of the Nd:YAG laser we remove the affected gum and disinfect the periodontal pocket.
zdrave_dlesni_3_koraki_web22. step
With the Er:YAG laser we remove calculus that is deep under the gum and destroy bacteria. We disinfect the affected roots and make the surface rough.
zdrave_dlesni_3_koraki_web3 3. step
With the Nd:YAG laser we treat the gum and enable it a quicker and more effective reattachment to the root of the tooth.

I want to know more

You can watch the course of treatment in the following links (the videos are in English)
Animation of a 3-phase procedure in advanced periodontal disease